Spotted Soapfish
Rypticus subbifrenatus
    Ecological Descriptors
Habitat Size (cm) Diet Behaviour Sex 
Co, R 13 Pisc, Cru (Noct) I PGH ?
Tan to brown, with fins of same colour.Body covered with variable number of
black spots (may have pale edging). Head pointed with upturned mouth. May have occasional white spots (reported elsewhere).

Found most commonly at 1-2 m (3-7ft) (but reported elsewhere to depths of 26 m). Cryptic, usually found sheltering in crevices during daylight. Lives in higher energy shore zones in general compared to Greater Soapfish (R. saponaceus), plus tide pools, among coral rubble, in patch reefs and shallow spur and groove reef areas, occasionally found on steep vertical walls . A solitary species. Adults are said to prefer clearer waters than juveniles

Secretes mucus which makes its surface slimy and when disturbed the slime turns into a soapy foam.  Secretes copious mucus which makes its surface slimy and when disturbed the slime turns into a soapy foam. The mucus contains grammistin, a haemolytic / ichthyotoxic peptide released in response to stress, deterring predators. Primarily nocturnal.

Life Cycle:
Protogynous hermaphrodites, with females able to change sex to male (unconfirmed).
Spotted Soapfish