Pluma Porgy
Calamus pennulata
    Ecological Descriptors
Habitat Size Diet Behaviour Sex 
Co, R 37 Cru, Wor, Ech I (Sh) F
This species is almost identical visually to the Littlehead Porgy (C. proridens), but they have differing geographical ranges. As a rule of thumb, you'll see the Pluma in Antigua, whilst Littleheads are found in the Gulf of Mexico and Florida region.

Body laterally compressed. Silvery, often with yellow wash over uppper head and back  (not diagnostic as many other Porgies may have this too) Blueish semicircle below eye (as does Saucerye Porgy, C. calamus).
Blue flash behind eye. Blue horizontal lines on cheek between mouth and eye. Can change colour rapidly and display barrred or blothched pattern., especially when feeding on the bottom. Adults increasingly develop a humped forehead.

Adults often seen over rocky areas or reefs, but also on flat bottoms to about 85 m depth, while the young inhabit shallower waters. Feeds on crabs, molluscs, worms, brittle stars and hermit crabs

Life Cycle
Most spawning areas are above sea grass beds. The female discharges a multitude of eggs into the open water to be fertilized by the sperm. When this occurs, the larvae are pelagic.
Pluma Porgy
Pluma Porgy